Stewardship Ministry




The main goal of Stewardship Ministry is to help individuals utilize and manage all the resources that God provides - not only monetary but time, talents and material possessions - for His glory and for the betterment of His creation.  This is accomplished as we share God's blessings to provide for the needs of His children. When done properly, stewardship becomes a contagious gift of spreading God’s love to our fellow man.

Through our Stewardship Ministry we seek to help members and friends understand:

  • the relationship between faith and giving
  • how to successfully support the church through our faithful tithe and offering
  • the value of having a partner in prayer, a listening ear, and Christian care and support while learning to trust God with regard to our resources




YOU make a difference! 

Your gift of any amount can be placed in the blue Conference Wide Development envelopes during Tithe and Offering, or designate using AdventistGiving today!